Monday, November 9, 2015


Noemi Gonzalez, one of the Cook Arts Center’s Teen Leaders, will be awarded a special scholarship at the 2015 YWCA Tribute Awards Luncheon on November 17.  This year the Y’s selection committee was so overwhelmed with the number of high-quality nominees for the Judy Lloyd Student Leadership Award Scholarship that they created three additional scholarships in order to recognize a total of four high school students for their outstanding leadership qualities.

Noemi's leadership style at the Cook Arts Center has been crucial to building our teen program. Not only is she extremely mature, but she has the ability to think beyond herself and beyond the here and now. She's a "big picture" thinker and inspires our other teens to think critically about the big picture as well by asking relevant, thoughtful questions. Noemi’s consistent demeanor of calm and dedication helps keep the Teen Leaders’ conversations, meetings, and activities on track. If others lose focus, she gently reminds them to get back on task either verbally or by example. Noemi also leads by constantly asking questions and pursuing educational opportunities in every aspect of our programs. When she sees an opportunity to learn or to grow, she takes advantage of it. When she sees a chance to assist in making sure others have access to opportunities, she jumps on that with the same enthusiasm. 

Noemi is passionate about the need for equality in education. As a Mexican-American, she is well aware of the fifty percent high school graduation rate for Hispanics and “wishes that everyone would jump to action to make that statistic a thing of the past.” Noemi is interested in learning how government and policymaking work so that one day she can help bring about educational reform. In the meantime, she is in her senior year at Innovation Central High School (she has been on the honor roll all four years), is involved in a number of extracurricular activities, and is getting ready for college.

The future is bright for this exceptional young woman. Lead on, Noemi!

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